Taking the long view

Last week’s post on the main Bearing Witness site narrated the outlines of Russian Mennonite Jakob Aron Rempel’s journey from visible church leader to Soviet prisoner. After a successful career as a professor and church representative, the last twelve years of Rempel’s life were spent in prisons, labor camps, and even a brief period in  Keep Reading…

Jakob Aron Rempel

Elder Jacob Aron Rempel was probably one of the most important personalities among the Mennonites of Russia in the 20th century, both in terms of his theological education as well as in his extraordinary personality and public activities. In 1929 he was arrested by the USSR’s secret police force (GPU) for his religious affiliations. He spent  Keep Reading…

Prayer and fasting

Today’s post is focused on the Ekklesiyar Yan’uwa a Nigeria (the Church of the Brethren in Nigeria) and their experiences amidst the violence that currently wracks northern Nigeria. The Church of the Brethren (US) has identified next week (August 17-24) as a week of prayer and fasting for the EYN and for the violence in Nigeria more generally.  Keep Reading…

Anna Wipf and the Believers of Alwinz, Romania

With thousands of believing refugees crowding into the Sabatisch community in Slovakia in the 1620s, every day brought its share of adventures. Nearly every day some died from the cold, hunger, and disease, while more kept coming. Then, in the thick of things, Bethlen Gabor came. Bethlen Gabor was the ruler of the land of  Keep Reading…

Ellene Miller

Although Ellene Miller was already a grandmother in 1985, her age did not keep her from following her faith into complicated situations. In June of that year, Broadway Christian Parish in South Bend, Indiana, commissioned Miller, along with thirty others, for an act of civil disobedience. At the conclusion of the commissioning service, the group  Keep Reading…

Katherine Wu

For many years during difficult financial times, aboriginal families in Taiwan would sell their young daughters to the prostitution industry controlled by the underground mafia. Child advocate groups estimated there were 60,000 child prostitutes at the time. Katherine Wu (Wu Fang-fang), a Mennonite pastor in Hualien, Taiwan, became aware of this situation and determined to  Keep Reading…

Stories of costly discipleship in the plain tradition

We are pleased to welcome Chester Weaver as guest author of today’s post. Weaver is principal of the Hebron Christian Day School (LaGrange, Ind.) and a member of Rosewood Fellowship, a Beachy Amish congregation in Shipshewana, Ind. He is also a member of the Bearing Witness Steering Committee. Weaver has collected for us a descriptive list of  Keep Reading…

Katharina Reimer Claassen

On January 6, 1860, Johann and Katharina Claassen were among the 18 families of the Molochna Colony, South Russia who organized the Mennonite Brethren Church. The group experienced much joy but also new challenges. In March, nearly three months later, the municipal authorities ordered the “Brethren” back to their former churches and Johann, as their  Keep Reading…

Refocusing martyr stories on women

Jacques D’Auchy was a highly-educated Dutch martyr, whose argumentation before his inquisitor constitutes an important confession for understanding the development of Mennonite theology and belief in the 1500s. Despite D’Auchy’s compelling testimony, however, the Jan Luyken engraving that accompanies D’Auchy’s story in the Martyrs Mirror is not focused on him, but on his wife and  Keep Reading…