All Mennonite World Conference member churches who participated in the recent Global Anabaptist Profile (GAP) survey were asked the following two questions: “If the government required military service, what would you do?” and “Do you agree or disagree that it’s okay for Christians to fight in a war?” For the Convención de las Iglesias Evangélicas Menonitas de Nicaragua (CIEMN), Keep Reading…
Elisante Daniel Lulu — Tanzania
“If we love the people who don’t believe as we believe, it will show love.”
Olga Rubel — Ukraine
“Though we are already Mennonites in name, we are learning how to be real peacemakers and what it means to reconcile.”
Tom and Carolyn Albright (Tony’s story) — United States
“How do we connect the life and worship of the church to our actions? Tony’s death was a call for people, to realize that we need to be doing even more. “
Gladys and Al Geiser — United States
“We don’t understand why it happened, but we do know that God was with Al through all this time.”
Richard Rancap — Philippines
“This is something that we embrace. That we are not to fight with one another, but to live in peace with another.”
Naomi Tamura — Japan
“I gave up being in the norm to live together with God.”
Emmanuel Wayindama
The following excerpt is taken from Jim Bertsche, “That’s all you can do to me,” in The Jesus Tribe: Grace stories from Congo’s Mennonites, 1912-2012 ed. Rod Hollinger-Janzen, Nancy Myers and Jim Bertsche (Elkhart, IN: Institute of Mennonite Studies, 2012): 71-72. Co-published with the Institute for the Study of Global Anabaptism. The first warning Pastor Keep Reading…
Adi Walujo — Indonesia
“Maybe people think persecution is always negative, but for us we learned how to depend on God while our church was closed.”
When Christianity is a minority religion
Like Paul and Suja Phinehas, featured in a recent story on the main Bearing Witness site, Naomi Tamura’s Christian faith makes her a religious minority. At Mennonite World Conference Assembly 16 in Harrisburg, PA, this past July, Tamura shared with us both the struggle and the opportunity that accompanies Christian faith in Japan. Both the Keep Reading…